Keri’s journey began in her early twenties, where she embarked on a path of self-discovery through meditation, yoga, bodywork, and addiction/trauma recovery. In 2002, she transitioned into the role of a birth and postpartum doula, supporting many women through the profound transitions of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.

Her own journey into motherhood, experienced threefold, ignited a profound exploration into the depths of feminine wisdom and the stories held within women’s bodies. This exploration has become the cornerstone of her work today.

Over the past twenty years, Keri has immersed herself in the teachings of various Tantric lineages, somatic education, shamanic wisdom, and subtle energy work. Her focus has been on embodiment, sacred intimacy & sexuality, motherhood, and the art & ceremony of tea.

Passionate about empowering women to reclaim their true essence – individually and collectively – Keri stands powerfully for the reemergence of the divine feminine and its union with divine masculine, within and without.

Alongside her husband, Amir Khalighi, founder of Embodied Masculine, she facilitates transformative experiences for men and women seeking deeper connection, intimacy, communication, and magic in their lives and relationships.

Keri is a deep lover of family, the Earth, the elements, and the integration of ceremony and art into life. She resides in Los Angeles with her beloved husband and their three ass-kicking daughters.